Food Technology Magazine | Applied Science

Deconstructing Plant-Based Meat Analogues

DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE: As plant-based meat analogues proliferate across grocery stores and restaurants, scientists at Wageningen University and Research seek to understand what they offer consumers.

By Kayt Sukel
plant-based meat in packaging

© ChayTee/iStock/Getty Images Plus

These days, it seems like you can’t open a menu or browse your supermarket’s frozen food aisle without encountering a plant-based substitute for your favorite meat product. Concerns over the environmental damage caused by the beef industry—as well as continued reminders of the health benefits of a plant-based diet—have resulted in the proliferation of plant-based meat analogues (PBMAs) produced by companies like Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat, and others.

“We have a t…

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About the Author

Kayt Sukel is a book author, magazine writer, and public speaker who frequently covers scientific topics ([email protected]).